Gold Block Limestone, Guiting Quarry Gloucestershire
A golden Cotswold limestone with a medium grain texture for walling, building and masonry.
Guiting Gold Block has a distinctive, slightly darker golden or honey colour and a medium grain that’s typical of Cotswold towns and villages.
The block sizes are unusually large for a Cotswold quarry with a block height up to two metres and individual sizes up to 14 tonnes, which means it is useful for a wide variety of walling, building and masonry requirements.
At present, the quarry produces around 6,000 tonnes of Guiting Gold Block each year.
Get in touchPetrographic Description and Mineral Examination of Guiting Gold Block Limestone
Guiting Gold Limestone is orange-brown in colour and consists primarily of ooliths with a number of typically elongated bioclasts. The constituents are held within a coarse carbonate cement and there appeared to be a broad alignment of some of the components. During testing there was no evidence of weathering or deterioration.
In thin section the stone consists of a general assemblage of ooliths, bioclasts and intraclasts with quartz grains forming a notable constituent. Some ooliths show a typical concentric structure but many had a seed consisting of quartz grain, bioclast or intraclast/lithoclast fragnents. Some are also formed around a quartz or feldspar crystal. Bioclasts consist mainly of echinoid plates, bivalves and gastropods and usually show a rim of micrite around the periphery.
Iron minerals are present in small quantities throughout the section which often give rise to the development of oxides/hydroxides producing the distinctive orange colour to the stone. Based on the mineralogy identified the stone has been given the classification of Oolitic limestone.
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